As this dictionary is a compilation, we gratefully acknowledge the authors whose names appear in the list of references. In addition, we express special appreciation to Elbert L. Little Jr.†, Jean-Paul Lanly and Guoying Xu for guiding and critiquing during the preliminary discussions, to all collaborators and reviewers, to Elbert L. Little Jr.†, Norman Dignard, Louis Parrot, Pierre Bellefleur, Yves Aubry, Serge Audet, Damase P. Khasa, Régent Gravel, Tecsult Inc., Conservatoire & Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève and Herbier Louis-Marie for helping us with floras, to Brenda J. McAfee, Camille Gervais† and Alexandre Strachan† for checking the English, to Louise Proulx for checking the French and to Anne-Marie Grandtner for revising the old utilisation guide.

This work was supported by

Agenda forestal hondureña supported by Pro-Mesas program (CIDA)
Beck's Home Furniture, Gifts and Interiors
Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt, the Vice-dean's office for research (CTI program adaptation) and the Fonds d'enseignement et de recherche of the Faculté de foresterie et de géomatique of Université Laval
Direction de la conservation et du patrimoine écologique of the Ministère de l'environnement du Québec (special grant to Jean Malouin)
Employment and Immigration Canada (PDE program)
Endowment Fund of the International Wood Collectors Society
Government of Prince Edward Island
Heritage Charlevoix Inc.
Joanne M. Stewart Professional Corp.
Keir MacLeod Vinyl Siding Inc.
Kessem Treasures Inc.
Ministère de la main-d'oeuvre et de la sécurité du revenu du Québec (EXTRA and PAIE programs)
Ministère des ressources naturelles de la faune et des parcs du Québec, including its Direction des inventaires forestiers and especially Jean-Pierre Saucier
Natural Resources Canada
Nemoralis, Écologie-Foresterie
Office de la langue française du Québec
Perrin's Marina Villa Ltd.
Red Clay Construction Inc.
Roche Consulting Group
Société du Dictionnaire mondial des arbres
Université du Québec à Rimouski
Université Laval

Louis Alosso
Cheryl D. Amato
Eugene Arsenault
Lorin and Shirley Brehaut
Jean-Louis Brown
Andra and David Burrill
Laura Cheverie
David Costa
Nick and Valerie Costa
Rose Dell
Patricia and Richard DiBonaventura
Marie-Andrée Doran
Debra Dziengelewski
Cindy and Gary Eschenroeder
Maria Fernandez
Gordon Francis
Tzu-Pin Fu
Gilles Gagnon
Robert Gauthier and Huguette Carretier
Michael K. Glover
Beverly Lopez Gonzalez
Beverley Gormley
Karen Grisham
Valérie Guindon
Sam Hamad, deputy of Louis-Hébert
Hawkins Family
Michal Hoffman Family
Robert D. and Nancy L. Holum
Norma Kenny
Edzard and Meika Keunecke
Richard Lacasse
Wayne Landrum
François Larochelle
Leah Diamond Lightfoot
Patricia, Dana, and Margaret G. Mac Lean
Michelle and Rick Oleski
Diane Ouellet
Louis Parrot
Marcella Perry
Jean and Charles Phillips
Constance L. Porter
Megan J. Power
Ruth and Charles Powers
Sandra and Arnett Reynolds
Oscar and Idolidia Rodriguez
Rosemary and Edward Schiller
Floyd Stewart
E. Hazel St. Hilaire
Paul Szczygiel
Sandra Szczygiel
Patricia Troumpe
Megan and Jean Vannucci
Cynthia Wacome
Robert Wagner and Robert G. Lasher
Rui Xu
John and Ruth Yeo
Laurie Zacharias

Several members of the International Wood Collectors Society

Fifty-five anonymous donors

Friends in

Albany, New York, USA
Augusta, Georgia, USA
Bangor, Maine, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Lévis, Québec, Canada
Montague, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Pittsfield, Massachusetts, USA
Rogersville, New Brunswick, Canada
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
The Florida Keys, USA
Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA

In honor of

a Keys environmentalist from Rev. Leonard E. and Doris Klippen
Joseph Babeu from Aunt Sally
Lisa and Mark Catarella from the family
Wendy Chappell and Udo Krautwurst from students and friends
Michael Costa and Casey Rose Lajszky from the family
Nicole and Cassandra Marie Costa from Aunt Sally
Francesca Cuomo and Giovanni Guarcello from friends
Melodia Diaz and the children of Boracay Island, Philippines, from Marathon friends
Rusmiry Diaz from Hilda Hernandez
Pauline Fitzgerald from Lynn D. Fainweather and six anonymous donors
Emma Grace from Bonnie Briscoe-Blacklock
Elaine and Manley Hunt from friends in the International Wood Collectors Society
Kay Kenny from Jean Keough
Sharon Labchuk and colleagues at Earth Action from appreciative Islanders
Doris Mager from The Raptors
Kristen and William Marks from the family
Marie Owen from the Caissies
Jean-François, Denis, Stéphane and Nicolas Rancourt from Paul and Rollande Rancourt
Gary Schneider from patrons of Macphail Woods Ecological Forestry Project
Annabell Shackleford from N.B. Kenny
Matt, Deborah, Matthew, and Madison Szczygiel from Nanny
The Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island from supporters
The Grounds Keepers at Eagle's View Golf Course from Loretta MacPhee
Shirley and Harrison Wells from friends
John Whitaker from Nessya Neemron

In memory of

Gerald Alletto from the family
Thomas Alletto from his daughter
Helen and Rocky Alosso from friends
Martha I. Becker from Eglantina Beiro
Margaret Billard from friends
Bernie Blum from appreciative customers
Elinor Brown Miller from her honorary daughter
Gretchen Carbone from Andrew Carbone
Jenny Casey from the family
Winston Clements from friends
Thelma Daley from friends
Catherine and Paul Exner from the family
Isabel Fonseca from friends
Jean-Guy Genest from friends
June Glover from friends
Kay and Howard Glover from neighbors
Margorie Jackson Guarcello from Giovanni P. Guarcello
Rudolf Havranek from friends
Norma and Walter Jamros from the family
Walter Jamros and Jenny Casey from E. Hazel St. Hilaire
Susan Janey from the family
Kaye Kenny from friends
William MacKenzie from friends
Sean MacLean from friends
Joshua Stephen MacLean-Robertson from Ronald and Kaye MacLean
Gary Mangrella from Amy Kehoe, and friends at Coco's and ComAir
Anne Moisan from friends
Elenor Jeanette "Jean" Molyneaux from friends
Arnold and Mina Nicolle from Robin Blue, Nicole Reynolds and Roger Nicolle
Curtis and Nora Penny from friends
Colin Peter from friends
Gabrielle Poulin from Sandra
John A. Power from Megan Vannucci
Clayton Reynolds from Al and Lorraine Reynolds
Robbie Robertson from Ronald and Kaye MacLean
Carlos Rodriquez from Fidel Rodriquez and friends
Elizabeth (Betsy) Costa Roy from the family
Vernon Seigle from friends at the Vineyard
Michael Smith from friends
Alice Trent from friends
Paul Weston from Elva Caissie Weston and family

Robert Coté from an anonymous donor
William and Alma Hancock from an anonymous donor
Vincent St. Hilaire from an anonymous donor
Charles Zacharias from an anonymous donor

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