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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Bursera fagaroides (Kunth) Engl. Burseraceae MC SW SC North America (USA: Arizona; Mexico) MC SW SC M D xer calc dr (the gum is used for treating scorpion and insect stings) fr ma (the bark is employed in tannin, the gum is used for mending broken dishes) Bursera confusa (Rose) Engl. Bursera obovata Turcz. Bursera odorata Brandegee Bursera schaffneri S.Watson Elaphrium fagaroides Kunth Elaphrium obovatum (Turcz.) Rose Elaphrium odoratum (Brandegee) Rose Elaphrium schaffneri (S.Watson) Rose fagaralike bursera gommier faux-fagara chutama, copal, cuajiote, cuajiote amarillo, cuajiote blanco, cuajiote colorado, cuajiote verde, palo mulato, torote, torote papelillo (Mexico)

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Latin name Bursera fagaroides (Kunth) Engl.
Family Burseraceae
Distribution MC SW SC North America (USA: Arizona; Mexico)
North America distribution zone MC SW SC
Height M
Foliage D
Ecology xer calc
Use dr (the gum is used for treating scorpion and insect stings) fr ma (the bark is employed in tannin, the gum is used for mending broken dishes)
Synonym Bursera confusa (Rose) Engl. Bursera obovata Turcz. Bursera odorata Brandegee Bursera schaffneri S.Watson Elaphrium fagaroides Kunth Elaphrium obovatum (Turcz.) Rose Elaphrium odoratum (Brandegee) Rose Elaphrium schaffneri (S.Watson) Rose
English name fagaralike bursera
French name gommier faux-fagara
Spanish name chutama, copal, cuajiote, cuajiote amarillo, cuajiote blanco, cuajiote colorado, cuajiote verde, palo mulato, torote, torote papelillo (Mexico)
Other name
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