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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Bursera graveolens (Kunth) Triana & Planch. Burseraceae SC SE North America (Mexico to Costa Rica) NW MW South America (Colombia, Ecuador: Coast; Peru) SC SE M D xer dr ma pl ti (fence posts) Amyris caranifera Willd. ex Engl. Bursera graveolens f. malacophylla (B.L.Rob.) J.F.Macbr. Bursera malacophylla B.L.Rob. Bursera penicillata (Sessé & Moç. ex DC.) Engl. Bursera tacamaco Triana & Planch. Elaphrium graveolens Kunth Elaphrium tacamaco Tul. Spondias edmonstonei Hook.f. Terebinthus graveolens Rose strongsmelling bursera gommier caraña caraña (Costa Rica, Peru); caraño (Nicaragua); caraño casero (Ecuador, Nicaragua); copalillo (Honduras); críspin, huancoe, palo santo (Ecuador, Peru)

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Latin name Bursera graveolens (Kunth) Triana & Planch.
Family Burseraceae
Distribution SC SE North America (Mexico to Costa Rica) NW MW South America (Colombia, Ecuador: Coast; Peru)
North America distribution zone SC SE
Height M
Foliage D
Ecology xer
Use dr ma pl ti (fence posts)
Synonym Amyris caranifera Willd. ex Engl. Bursera graveolens f. malacophylla (B.L.Rob.) J.F.Macbr. Bursera malacophylla B.L.Rob. Bursera penicillata (Sessé & Moç. ex DC.) Engl. Bursera tacamaco Triana & Planch. Elaphrium graveolens Kunth Elaphrium tacamaco Tul. Spondias edmonstonei Hook.f. Terebinthus graveolens Rose
English name strongsmelling bursera
French name gommier caraña
Spanish name caraña (Costa Rica, Peru); caraño (Nicaragua); caraño casero (Ecuador, Nicaragua); copalillo (Honduras); críspin, huancoe, palo santo (Ecuador, Peru)
Other name
Trade name
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