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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Bursera laxiflora S.Watson Burseraceae SW [SC] North America (Mexico: Baja California, Sonora) SW SC S dr(ob) (gum for toothache, tea from bark treat scorpion and spider bites) Bursera filicifolia Brandegee Bursera laxiflora ssp. filicifolia (Brandegee) Felger & Lowe Elaphrium laxiflorum (Brandegee) Rose Terebinthus laxiflora Rose looseflower bursera gommier laxiflore copal, palo mulato, torote papelio, torote prieto

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Latin name Bursera laxiflora S.Watson
Family Burseraceae
Distribution SW [SC] North America (Mexico: Baja California, Sonora)
North America distribution zone SW SC
Height S
Use dr(ob) (gum for toothache, tea from bark treat scorpion and spider bites)
Synonym Bursera filicifolia Brandegee Bursera laxiflora ssp. filicifolia (Brandegee) Felger & Lowe Elaphrium laxiflorum (Brandegee) Rose Terebinthus laxiflora Rose
English name looseflower bursera
French name gommier laxiflore
Spanish name copal, palo mulato, torote papelio, torote prieto
Other name
Trade name
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