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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Bursera microphylla A.Gray Burseraceae [MW] [MC] SW SC North America (USA: Arizona, California; Mexico: Baja California, Sonora) [MW] [MC] SW SC S D hel mes xer calc dr (parts of the plant can be used medicinally, to make shampoo) fr (fruits are food for the birds) fw (the wood is used for fuel) ma (the bark is employed in tannin and peint) Elaphrium microphylla Rose Terebinthus microphylla Rose elephant bursera; elephant tree, elephant-tree, small-leaf elephant-tree gommier à petites feuilles; gomart à petites feuilles copal, cuajiote, torote, torote colorado (Mexico)

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Latin name Bursera microphylla A.Gray
Family Burseraceae
Distribution [MW] [MC] SW SC North America (USA: Arizona, California; Mexico: Baja California, Sonora)
North America distribution zone [MW] [MC] SW SC
Height S
Foliage D
Ecology hel mes xer calc
Use dr (parts of the plant can be used medicinally, to make shampoo) fr (fruits are food for the birds) fw (the wood is used for fuel) ma (the bark is employed in tannin and peint)
Synonym Elaphrium microphylla Rose Terebinthus microphylla Rose
English name elephant bursera; elephant tree, elephant-tree, small-leaf elephant-tree
French name gommier à petites feuilles; gomart à petites feuilles
Spanish name copal, cuajiote, torote, torote colorado (Mexico)
Other name
Trade name
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