Capparis ferruginea L.
SE North America (Cuba, Grand Cayman, Hispaniola, Jamaica)
xer calc
dr (flower tea taken orally for nerve disorders, leaves decoction gargled for thrush, taken orally for venereal disease, rooth bath for hysteria, shock and mourning, strong leaves decoction applied externally for skin disease and herpes)
Capparis incana Spreng. non Kunth
Capparis octandra Jacq.
Linnaeobreynia ferruginea (L.) Hutch.
mustardshrub caper; devil head; mustard shrub (Jamaica)
câprier balai-four; balai four, balai velour, balai velours (Haiti); bois caca, bois puant (Martinique and Guadeloupe); bois rave, bois Sénégal (Haiti)
frijol (Dominican Republic); mostachilla chica (Cuba); mostacillo (Cuba); olivo (Cuba, Dominican Republic)
bwa senegal, balay fou, bwa velou (creole, Haiti)