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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Carica papaya L. Caricaceae S North America (tropics) South America (tropics) NC [NE] Oceania (Republic of Palau, Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands) int MW Africa SW SC SE S E hel mes xer neut dr (the juice of the papaw leaves and fruits, particulary the young fruits, contains a proteolytic enzyme complex, -papain-, which is used medicinally as antibacterial; dried leaves are used as a substitute for tobacco, fruits used for control of termites) fd (fruits are used to make ice-cream and chewing-gum flavour and to reduce cloudiness in beer, wrapping meat in papaw leaves for a few hours before cooking is said to make it tender) ma (dried latex for tenderizing meat, fruits for shrinkproof wool and silk) Carica hermaphrodita Blanco Carica jimenezii (Bertoni) Bertoni Carica papaya var. jimenezii Bertoni Carica pinnatifida Heilborn Carica sativa Tussac Papaya carica (L.) Gaertn. Papaya edulis Bojer Papaya edulis var. macrocarpa Bojer Papaya edulis var. pyriformis Bojer Papaya papaya (L.) H.Karst. Papaya sativa Tussac Papaya vulgaris A.DC. common papaya; melon tree; papao (Netherlands Antilles); papaw (Belize, USA); papay (Netherlands Antilles, Virgin Islands); papaya (Bahamas, Micronesia, Netherlands Antilles, USA); pawpaw (Micronesia, USA, Virgin Islands); wild papaya (Belize) papayer commun; arbre à melon, papaye, papayer, papayer femelle, papayer mâle, pied-papaye ababaya (Caribbean); arbol de melón, chamburo (Colombia); fruta bomba (Cuba); lechosa (Colombia, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela); lechoza (Venezuela); mamón, manón (Argentina); melón (Colombia); melón zapote (Mexico); papaya (Antilles, Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela); papaya calentana (Colombia); papaya cimarrona (Mexico); papayo (Argentina, Guatemala); papayo calentano (Colombia); papayo macho (Mexico); pocha (Peru); zapote papaya (Colombia) babai (palauan, Micronesia); budibaga (fuuta jalon); bumpapa (jola); chichput (maya, Mexico); es (kusaie, Micronesia); keinabbu, kenabu, kinapau (marshallese, Republic of the Marshall Islands); mamáo, mamão, mamoeiro (Brazil); manayi (senoufo and senoufo, Mali); mãndé (bambara); manje (bambara, Mali); maye (bwamu, Burkina Faso and Mali); Melonen Baum, Melonnenbaume (german); mpapakèy (non); o rabana (basari); ochonitli (nahuatl, Mexico); papai (Haiti); papaia (italian); papao (Netherlands Antilles); papay (creole, Haiti); papaya (nahuatl, Mexico; Netherlands Antilles); Papayabaum (german); papayi (fulfulde and toucouleur); papayo (serer, wolof); papia (konyagi); pupa (mandyak); put (maya, Belize and Mexico); trokon papaya (chamorro, Micronesia); útzun (huasteco, Mexico)

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Latin name Carica papaya L.
Family Caricaceae
Distribution S North America (tropics) South America (tropics) NC [NE] Oceania (Republic of Palau, Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands) int MW Africa
North America distribution zone SW SC SE
Height S
Foliage E
Ecology hel mes xer neut
Use dr (the juice of the papaw leaves and fruits, particulary the young fruits, contains a proteolytic enzyme complex, -papain-, which is used medicinally as antibacterial; dried leaves are used as a substitute for tobacco, fruits used for control of termites) fd (fruits are used to make ice-cream and chewing-gum flavour and to reduce cloudiness in beer, wrapping meat in papaw leaves for a few hours before cooking is said to make it tender) ma (dried latex for tenderizing meat, fruits for shrinkproof wool and silk)
Synonym Carica hermaphrodita Blanco Carica jimenezii (Bertoni) Bertoni Carica papaya var. jimenezii Bertoni Carica pinnatifida Heilborn Carica sativa Tussac Papaya carica (L.) Gaertn. Papaya edulis Bojer Papaya edulis var. macrocarpa Bojer Papaya edulis var. pyriformis Bojer Papaya papaya (L.) H.Karst. Papaya sativa Tussac Papaya vulgaris A.DC.
English name common papaya; melon tree; papao (Netherlands Antilles); papaw (Belize, USA); papay (Netherlands Antilles, Virgin Islands); papaya (Bahamas, Micronesia, Netherlands Antilles, USA); pawpaw (Micronesia, USA, Virgin Islands); wild papaya (Belize)
French name papayer commun; arbre à melon, papaye, papayer, papayer femelle, papayer mâle, pied-papaye
Spanish name ababaya (Caribbean); arbol de melón, chamburo (Colombia); fruta bomba (Cuba); lechosa (Colombia, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela); lechoza (Venezuela); mamón, manón (Argentina); melón (Colombia); melón zapote (Mexico); papaya (Antilles, Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela); papaya calentana (Colombia); papaya cimarrona (Mexico); papayo (Argentina, Guatemala); papayo calentano (Colombia); papayo macho (Mexico); pocha (Peru); zapote papaya (Colombia)
Other name babai (palauan, Micronesia); budibaga (fuuta jalon); bumpapa (jola); chichput (maya, Mexico); es (kusaie, Micronesia); keinabbu, kenabu, kinapau (marshallese, Republic of the Marshall Islands); mamáo, mamão, mamoeiro (Brazil); manayi (senoufo and senoufo, Mali); mãndé (bambara); manje (bambara, Mali); maye (bwamu, Burkina Faso and Mali); Melonen Baum, Melonnenbaume (german); mpapakèy (non); o rabana (basari); ochonitli (nahuatl, Mexico); papai (Haiti); papaia (italian); papao (Netherlands Antilles); papay (creole, Haiti); papaya (nahuatl, Mexico; Netherlands Antilles); Papayabaum (german); papayi (fulfulde and toucouleur); papayo (serer, wolof); papia (konyagi); pupa (mandyak); put (maya, Belize and Mexico); trokon papaya (chamorro, Micronesia); útzun (huasteco, Mexico)
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