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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Acer rubrum L. Aceraceae NC NE MC ME SE North America (Canada: Manitoba to Newfoundland; USA: Minnesota to Texas, Maine to Florida) int MW Eurasia (Russian Federation) NC NE MC ME SE L D sci[hel] hyg mes[xer] acid cl (emblem tree of Rhode Island State of USA) dr fd (sap: syrup) fr ma(ob) (bark: red dye) pl (horticulture, ornamental tree) pp sa (shade) ti (battledore, boxes, crates, furniture, interior paneling) tx (leaves are toxic for horses) Acer barbatum Michx. p.p. Acer sanguineum Spach Acer semiorbiculatum Pax red maple; Canadian maple, Carolina red maple, curled-maple, Drummond red maple p.p.; scarlet maple, soft maple (Canada); swamp maple (Canada, USA); water maple érable rouge; érable de Virginie, érable tendre; plaine, plaine rouge (Canada); plane rouge acero rosso (italian); Rotahorn (german)

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Latin name Acer rubrum L.
Family Aceraceae
Distribution NC NE MC ME SE North America (Canada: Manitoba to Newfoundland; USA: Minnesota to Texas, Maine to Florida) int MW Eurasia (Russian Federation)
North America distribution zone NC NE MC ME SE
Height L
Foliage D
Ecology sci[hel] hyg mes[xer] acid
Use cl (emblem tree of Rhode Island State of USA) dr fd (sap: syrup) fr ma(ob) (bark: red dye) pl (horticulture, ornamental tree) pp sa (shade) ti (battledore, boxes, crates, furniture, interior paneling) tx (leaves are toxic for horses)
Synonym Acer barbatum Michx. p.p. Acer sanguineum Spach Acer semiorbiculatum Pax
English name red maple; Canadian maple, Carolina red maple, curled-maple, Drummond red maple p.p.; scarlet maple, soft maple (Canada); swamp maple (Canada, USA); water maple
French name érable rouge; érable de Virginie, érable tendre; plaine, plaine rouge (Canada); plane rouge
Spanish name
Other name acero rosso (italian); Rotahorn (german)
Trade name
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