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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. Pinaceae N MC ME North America (Canada, France: St. Pierre and Miquelon, NE USA) int MW Eurasia (Europe) NW NC NE MC ME L E sci [hel] hyg->mes acid->neut cl (Christmas trees, emblem tree of New Brunswick Province of Canada) dr (deodorant made from resin, perfume) dr(ob) (resin used as antiseptic for wounds and burns) fr ma (candle, glue and soap made from resin) ma(ob) (resin for microscope preparation) pl pp sa ti (boxes, construction, doors, paneling) Abies aromatica Raf. Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. var. balsamea Abies balsamea var. phanerolepis Fernald Abies balsamifera Michx. Abies minor Duhamel Pinus balsamea L. balsam fir; balm of Gilead fir; balsam (Canada); balsam of Giled, balsam tree(ob), balsam-fir, Canada balsam, Canadian fir, eastern fir, fir; fir-balsam (Canada); silver pine p.p., white fir p.p. sapin baumier; baumier de Giled, baumier du Canada, sapin, sapin blanc, sapin de Giled, sapin rouge abete balsamico, balsamo del Giled (italian); Balsamtanne (german); pikerta bal'zamicheskaya (russian)

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Latin name Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.
Family Pinaceae
Distribution N MC ME North America (Canada, France: St. Pierre and Miquelon, NE USA) int MW Eurasia (Europe)
North America distribution zone NW NC NE MC ME
Height L
Foliage E
Ecology sci [hel] hyg->mes acid->neut
Use cl (Christmas trees, emblem tree of New Brunswick Province of Canada) dr (deodorant made from resin, perfume) dr(ob) (resin used as antiseptic for wounds and burns) fr ma (candle, glue and soap made from resin) ma(ob) (resin for microscope preparation) pl pp sa ti (boxes, construction, doors, paneling)
Synonym Abies aromatica Raf. Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. var. balsamea Abies balsamea var. phanerolepis Fernald Abies balsamifera Michx. Abies minor Duhamel Pinus balsamea L.
English name balsam fir; balm of Gilead fir; balsam (Canada); balsam of Giled, balsam tree(ob), balsam-fir, Canada balsam, Canadian fir, eastern fir, fir; fir-balsam (Canada); silver pine p.p., white fir p.p.
French name sapin baumier; baumier de Giled, baumier du Canada, sapin, sapin blanc, sapin de Giled, sapin rouge
Spanish name
Other name abete balsamico, balsamo del Giled (italian); Balsamtanne (german); pikerta bal'zamicheskaya (russian)
Trade name
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