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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Allophylus cominia (L.) Sw. Sapindaceae SC SE North America (Mexico to Panama, West Indies) SC SE M hyg->xer calc dr (leaves boiled three times and tea taken oraly for coma, leaves decoction taken orally for diabetes, twig decoction taken orally for tuberculosis and hemoptysis) fr pl Allophylus kinlochii Standl. Rhus cominia L. Schmidelia cominia Sw. cominia allophylus; allophylus, bastard cherry, cherry, red seed allophylus trois-paroles; trois feuilles, trois paroles belo (Belize); caja, caja común (Cuba); huesillo (Belize); palo de caja (Belize, Cuba, Dominican Republic); parida, rompe caldero, tres palabras (Dominican Republic) bichach, bikbach (maya, Belize); kafe mawon, twa fèy, twa pawòl (creole, Haiti)

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Latin name Allophylus cominia (L.) Sw.
Family Sapindaceae
Distribution SC SE North America (Mexico to Panama, West Indies)
North America distribution zone SC SE
Height M
Ecology hyg->xer calc
Use dr (leaves boiled three times and tea taken oraly for coma, leaves decoction taken orally for diabetes, twig decoction taken orally for tuberculosis and hemoptysis) fr pl
Synonym Allophylus kinlochii Standl. Rhus cominia L. Schmidelia cominia Sw.
English name cominia allophylus; allophylus, bastard cherry, cherry, red seed
French name allophylus trois-paroles; trois feuilles, trois paroles
Spanish name belo (Belize); caja, caja común (Cuba); huesillo (Belize); palo de caja (Belize, Cuba, Dominican Republic); parida, rompe caldero, tres palabras (Dominican Republic)
Other name bichach, bikbach (maya, Belize); kafe mawon, twa fèy, twa pawòl (creole, Haiti)
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