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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Alnus incana (L.) Moench Betulaceae N M North America (Canada, USA) MW Eurasia (Europe) NW NC NE MW MC ME M[L] D hel hyg->[xer] calc dr(ob) (bark used as poultice for rheumatism, bleeding and swelling, Native Americans used it to treat anemia, as an emetic, a compress or wash for sore eyes, and a diaphoretic, for internal bleeding, urinary problems, sprains, bruises and backache, itches, flux and piles to cure saddle gale on horses, and when mixed with powdered bumblebees, as on aid for difficult labor) fw (charcoal) ma(ob) (dye) pl (ornamental) sa (fertilization by leaves and roots nodules, protection against banks erosion, shade, soil improvements) Betula alnus L. p.p. Betula alnus b incana L. Betula incana (L.) L.f. speckled alder; alder, American alder, European alder; grey alder (Eurasia); hoary alder, mountain alder, red alder p.p., river alder, rough alder, tag alder, white alder aulne blanc; aulne à feuilles minces, aulne blanchâtre, aulne commun, aulne de montagne, aulne grisâtre, aulne rugueux, aune, aune blanc, aune de montagne, vergne, verne Grauerle, Weisserle (german); alno bianco, ontano bianco (italian)

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Latin name Alnus incana (L.) Moench
Family Betulaceae
Distribution N M North America (Canada, USA) MW Eurasia (Europe)
North America distribution zone NW NC NE MW MC ME
Height M[L]
Foliage D
Ecology hel hyg->[xer] calc
Use dr(ob) (bark used as poultice for rheumatism, bleeding and swelling, Native Americans used it to treat anemia, as an emetic, a compress or wash for sore eyes, and a diaphoretic, for internal bleeding, urinary problems, sprains, bruises and backache, itches, flux and piles to cure saddle gale on horses, and when mixed with powdered bumblebees, as on aid for difficult labor) fw (charcoal) ma(ob) (dye) pl (ornamental) sa (fertilization by leaves and roots nodules, protection against banks erosion, shade, soil improvements)
Synonym Betula alnus L. p.p. Betula alnus b incana L. Betula incana (L.) L.f.
English name speckled alder; alder, American alder, European alder; grey alder (Eurasia); hoary alder, mountain alder, red alder p.p., river alder, rough alder, tag alder, white alder
French name aulne blanc; aulne à feuilles minces, aulne blanchâtre, aulne commun, aulne de montagne, aulne grisâtre, aulne rugueux, aune, aune blanc, aune de montagne, vergne, verne
Spanish name
Other name Grauerle, Weisserle (german); alno bianco, ontano bianco (italian)
Trade name
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