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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Alsophila polystichoides H.Christ Cyatheaceae SE North America (Costa Rica, Panama) SE M Alsophila mucronata H.Christ Cyathea caduca H.Christ Cyathea hastulata H.Christ Cyathea hemiothis H.Christ Cyathea polystichoides (H.Christ) Domin Cyathea werckleana H.Christ Nephelea polystichoides (H.Christ) R.M.Tryon falsepolystichum alsophila alsophila faux-polystic

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Latin name Alsophila polystichoides H.Christ
Family Cyatheaceae
Distribution SE North America (Costa Rica, Panama)
North America distribution zone SE
Height M
Synonym Alsophila mucronata H.Christ Cyathea caduca H.Christ Cyathea hastulata H.Christ Cyathea hemiothis H.Christ Cyathea polystichoides (H.Christ) Domin Cyathea werckleana H.Christ Nephelea polystichoides (H.Christ) R.M.Tryon
English name falsepolystichum alsophila
French name alsophila faux-polystic
Spanish name
Other name
Trade name
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