Master Record: treesna
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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Amphitecna macrophylla (Seem.) Miers ex Baill. Bignoniaceae SC SE North America (Mexico, Guatemala) SC SE S E hyg calc Amphitecna nigripes (Linden) Baill. Crescentia macrophylla Seem. Crescentia nigripes Linden Crescentia regia hort. ex Seem. Dendrosicus macrophyllus (Seem.) A.H.Gentry Enallagma macrophylla (Seem.) Lundell Neotuerckheimia megalophylla Donn.Sm. bigleaf blackcalabash; o-hoch amphitecna à grandes feuilles guiro de montaña, morro cinarrón (Mexico)

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Latin name Amphitecna macrophylla (Seem.) Miers ex Baill.
Family Bignoniaceae
Distribution SC SE North America (Mexico, Guatemala)
North America distribution zone SC SE
Height S
Foliage E
Ecology hyg calc
Synonym Amphitecna nigripes (Linden) Baill. Crescentia macrophylla Seem. Crescentia nigripes Linden Crescentia regia hort. ex Seem. Dendrosicus macrophyllus (Seem.) A.H.Gentry Enallagma macrophylla (Seem.) Lundell Neotuerckheimia megalophylla Donn.Sm.
English name bigleaf blackcalabash; o-hoch
French name amphitecna à grandes feuilles
Spanish name guiro de montaña, morro cinarrón (Mexico)
Other name
Trade name
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