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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Anacardium occidentale L. Anacardiaceae S North America (Mexico to Panama, West Indies) South America (tropics) SC SE Eurasia (India, Malaysia) int M SE Africa and NC Oceania (Mariana Islands) SW SC SE M[L] E[D] hel mes->xer acid->neut dr (bark or leaves decoction taken orally for diabetes, thrush, plaque, diarrhea and malarial fever, bark tea as a tonic for nervous disorders, cashew pericarp juice for skin rash, wart, acne, toothache, flu, phlegm, constipation, diarrhea, edema and hemoptysis, crushed mature leaves poultice for burns and skin ailments, juice is astringent, macerated bark or decoction of bark with salt taken orally for anemia, toasted seed or leaves infusion used as aphrodisiac) dr(ob) fd (cashew nut for industrial food like biscuit factory, confisery, chocolate, nougat and ice cream, hypocarps are eaten raw or made into juice, refreshment, jam, jelly, wine, vinegar, syrups, preserves, candy or flavouring for ice cream, nut and pedicel give comestible oil, roasted seeds give a delicious almond often salted and eaten as a snack or used in the preparation of cakes, candies, flour and cashew butter) fr (nut debris after press give cattle cake, seed tegument contain a rich protein used in alimentation of poultry) fw ma (extract of shell is used in drum brakes, clutch plates and thermo resistant materials, resin is used industrially in the manufacture of lubricants, plastics, paints, ions exchange resin and varnishe, sap is source of indelible ink, shell is used to make plywood resisting to humidity and insects) pl (cultivated especially in India, Brazil and Mozambique, ornamental) sa ti (fence posts) tx (pericarp oil and resin of the nut mesocarp are very poisonous and must be used with prudence, shell of the nut produce dermatitis if improperly roasted) Acajuba occidentalis (L.) Gaertn. Anacardium microcarpum Ducke Cassuvium pomiferum Lam. Cassuvium pomiferum Tussac common cashew; cashew (Costa Rica, India, USA, Virgin Islands); cashew nut (Micronesia, Panama, USA); cashew tree; cashew-apple, cashew-nut (USA); wild almond (Panama) anacardier cajou; acajou p.p. (Guadeloupe, Haiti); acajou à pomme (French Guiana); anacarde (Haiti); anacardier (French Guiana); darcassou; noix acajou (Guadeloupe); noix d’acajou (French Guiana, Haiti); noix-cajou; pomme, pomme acajou (Haiti); pomme cajou (Guadeloupe); pomme d’acajou, pomme noix, pomme-cajou, pommier cajou; pommier d’acajou (Guadeloupe); pommier de cajou acajú, acayú (Bolivia, Colombia); anacardo (Colombia); cacajuil; cajouil (Dominican Republic); caju (Bolivia, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru); cajú (Peru); cajuil (Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras); cashu, casu (Costa Rica, Panama, Peru); caujil, churá (Colombia); jocote marañón (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras); maranón (Cuba); marañón (Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico); merey (Colombia, Guyana, Venezuela); pauji, pauji-caujil (Colombia) acajaiba (portuguese, Brazil); acajou (italian); acaju (portuguese, Brazil); Acaju (german); acajú (portuguese, Brazil); Acajubaum (german); acajuiba (portuguese, Brazil); anacardio (italian); bachkasjoe (Suriname); balubar (Philippines); baschkajoe (Suriname); bash kasjoe (portuguese, Portugal and Brazil); bouchi (aukaans, French Guiana); caju (portuguese, Portugal and Brazil); cajú, caju-banana, caju-da-praia, caju-de-casa (portuguese, Brazil); caju-gaha (Sri Lanka); caju-manso, caju-manteiga (portuguese, Brazil); cajueiro (portuguese, Portugal and Brazil); cashew (Netherlands Antilles and portuguese, Brazil); cashu (Netherlands Antilles); casue (chamorro, Micronesia); cherry, chewy (Netherlands Antilles); dào lôn hôt (vietnamese); darakase (bambara, Mali); dasjoe (Suriname); hidglibadan (India); jibarani (bambara and malinke, Mali); kadjoe (sranan, Suriname); kajou (creole, Haiti); kaju (India and yoruba); kanju (hausa); kas-joe (Netherlands Antilles); Kaschubaum (german); kashu-mava, kashu-mavu (India); kasjoe (Netherlands Antilles and sranan, Suriname); kasoe, kasoy (chamorro, Micronesia); kasui (Philippines); komi gason (senoufo, Mali); mali sow (bobo fing, Burkina Faso and Mali); merede (Suriname); merehe (arawak, Guyana); mereke (Suriname); mkanju, mkorosho; montin-kal, mundiri-maram (Sri Lanka); mutua; nwa kajou (creole, Haiti); olojé koe (oyana, Suriname); oroi (carib, Guyana); orvi (Suriname); palu di cashupette (Netherlands Antilles); paludi cashupéle; paludi cashupéte, paludica shupéte (Netherlands Antilles); parangi-mavu (India); pòm, pòm kajou (creole, Haiti); suai chanti (cambodian) cashew, cashew wood; darcassou, pomme cajou (french)

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Latin name Anacardium occidentale L.
Family Anacardiaceae
Distribution S North America (Mexico to Panama, West Indies) South America (tropics) SC SE Eurasia (India, Malaysia) int M SE Africa and NC Oceania (Mariana Islands)
North America distribution zone SW SC SE
Height M[L]
Foliage E[D]
Ecology hel mes->xer acid->neut
Use dr (bark or leaves decoction taken orally for diabetes, thrush, plaque, diarrhea and malarial fever, bark tea as a tonic for nervous disorders, cashew pericarp juice for skin rash, wart, acne, toothache, flu, phlegm, constipation, diarrhea, edema and hemoptysis, crushed mature leaves poultice for burns and skin ailments, juice is astringent, macerated bark or decoction of bark with salt taken orally for anemia, toasted seed or leaves infusion used as aphrodisiac) dr(ob) fd (cashew nut for industrial food like biscuit factory, confisery, chocolate, nougat and ice cream, hypocarps are eaten raw or made into juice, refreshment, jam, jelly, wine, vinegar, syrups, preserves, candy or flavouring for ice cream, nut and pedicel give comestible oil, roasted seeds give a delicious almond often salted and eaten as a snack or used in the preparation of cakes, candies, flour and cashew butter) fr (nut debris after press give cattle cake, seed tegument contain a rich protein used in alimentation of poultry) fw ma (extract of shell is used in drum brakes, clutch plates and thermo resistant materials, resin is used industrially in the manufacture of lubricants, plastics, paints, ions exchange resin and varnishe, sap is source of indelible ink, shell is used to make plywood resisting to humidity and insects) pl (cultivated especially in India, Brazil and Mozambique, ornamental) sa ti (fence posts) tx (pericarp oil and resin of the nut mesocarp are very poisonous and must be used with prudence, shell of the nut produce dermatitis if improperly roasted)
Synonym Acajuba occidentalis (L.) Gaertn. Anacardium microcarpum Ducke Cassuvium pomiferum Lam. Cassuvium pomiferum Tussac
English name common cashew; cashew (Costa Rica, India, USA, Virgin Islands); cashew nut (Micronesia, Panama, USA); cashew tree; cashew-apple, cashew-nut (USA); wild almond (Panama)
French name anacardier cajou; acajou p.p. (Guadeloupe, Haiti); acajou à pomme (French Guiana); anacarde (Haiti); anacardier (French Guiana); darcassou; noix acajou (Guadeloupe); noix d’acajou (French Guiana, Haiti); noix-cajou; pomme, pomme acajou (Haiti); pomme cajou (Guadeloupe); pomme d’acajou, pomme noix, pomme-cajou, pommier cajou; pommier d’acajou (Guadeloupe); pommier de cajou
Spanish name acajú, acayú (Bolivia, Colombia); anacardo (Colombia); cacajuil; cajouil (Dominican Republic); caju (Bolivia, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru); cajú (Peru); cajuil (Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras); cashu, casu (Costa Rica, Panama, Peru); caujil, churá (Colombia); jocote marañón (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras); maranón (Cuba); marañón (Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico); merey (Colombia, Guyana, Venezuela); pauji, pauji-caujil (Colombia)
Other name acajaiba (portuguese, Brazil); acajou (italian); acaju (portuguese, Brazil); Acaju (german); acajú (portuguese, Brazil); Acajubaum (german); acajuiba (portuguese, Brazil); anacardio (italian); bachkasjoe (Suriname); balubar (Philippines); baschkajoe (Suriname); bash kasjoe (portuguese, Portugal and Brazil); bouchi (aukaans, French Guiana); caju (portuguese, Portugal and Brazil); cajú, caju-banana, caju-da-praia, caju-de-casa (portuguese, Brazil); caju-gaha (Sri Lanka); caju-manso, caju-manteiga (portuguese, Brazil); cajueiro (portuguese, Portugal and Brazil); cashew (Netherlands Antilles and portuguese, Brazil); cashu (Netherlands Antilles); casue (chamorro, Micronesia); cherry, chewy (Netherlands Antilles); dào lôn hôt (vietnamese); darakase (bambara, Mali); dasjoe (Suriname); hidglibadan (India); jibarani (bambara and malinke, Mali); kadjoe (sranan, Suriname); kajou (creole, Haiti); kaju (India and yoruba); kanju (hausa); kas-joe (Netherlands Antilles); Kaschubaum (german); kashu-mava, kashu-mavu (India); kasjoe (Netherlands Antilles and sranan, Suriname); kasoe, kasoy (chamorro, Micronesia); kasui (Philippines); komi gason (senoufo, Mali); mali sow (bobo fing, Burkina Faso and Mali); merede (Suriname); merehe (arawak, Guyana); mereke (Suriname); mkanju, mkorosho; montin-kal, mundiri-maram (Sri Lanka); mutua; nwa kajou (creole, Haiti); olojé koe (oyana, Suriname); oroi (carib, Guyana); orvi (Suriname); palu di cashupette (Netherlands Antilles); paludi cashupéle; paludi cashupéte, paludica shupéte (Netherlands Antilles); parangi-mavu (India); pòm, pòm kajou (creole, Haiti); suai chanti (cambodian)
Trade name cashew, cashew wood; darcassou, pomme cajou (french)
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