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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Annona primigenia Standl. & Steyerm. Annonaceae SE North America (Belize) SE S? dr fd Belize annona; wild annona, wild custard apple (Belize) anone du Belize anona del monte, anonillo, anonio (Belize)

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Latin name Annona primigenia Standl. & Steyerm.
Family Annonaceae
Distribution SE North America (Belize)
North America distribution zone SE
Height S?
Use dr fd
English name Belize annona; wild annona, wild custard apple (Belize)
French name anone du Belize
Spanish name anona del monte, anonillo, anonio (Belize)
Other name
Trade name
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