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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Antirhea lucida (Sw.) Benth. & Hook.f. Rubiaceae SE North America (Guatemala: Petén; Belize, Honduras, Bahamas, West Indies) NC South America (Trinidad) SE L D calc dr (strong leaves infusion with Hedyosmum nutans for colic, roots as astringent) Antirrhoea lucida Benth. & Hook. Antirrhoea lucida (Sw.) Hook. Guettarda nitida (Desr.) M.Gómez Laugeria lucida Sw. Malanea lucida (Sw.) A.Rich. Malanea nitida Desr. Stenostomum lucidum (Sw.) C.F.Gaertn. Stenostomum nitidum (Sw.) C.F.Gaertn. Sturmia lucida (Sw.) C.F.Gaertn. shining antirhea; white redwood (Belize) antirhea marron; avocat marron, bois patate, zabocat marron (Haiti) aguacatillo (Dominican Republic); almorrana, almorrana amarilla, llorón (Cuba); palo de cuello (Cuba, Dominican Republic); palo de gallina (Dominican Republic); palo iloron, palo llorón (Puerto Rico); raizú (Cuba) bwa patat (creole, Haiti); koetsjaara, plaaha sjikietoe (Netherlands Antilles); zaboka mawon (creole, Haiti)

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Latin name Antirhea lucida (Sw.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Family Rubiaceae
Distribution SE North America (Guatemala: Petén; Belize, Honduras, Bahamas, West Indies) NC South America (Trinidad)
North America distribution zone SE
Height L
Foliage D
Ecology calc
Use dr (strong leaves infusion with Hedyosmum nutans for colic, roots as astringent)
Synonym Antirrhoea lucida Benth. & Hook. Antirrhoea lucida (Sw.) Hook. Guettarda nitida (Desr.) M.Gómez Laugeria lucida Sw. Malanea lucida (Sw.) A.Rich. Malanea nitida Desr. Stenostomum lucidum (Sw.) C.F.Gaertn. Stenostomum nitidum (Sw.) C.F.Gaertn. Sturmia lucida (Sw.) C.F.Gaertn.
English name shining antirhea; white redwood (Belize)
French name antirhea marron; avocat marron, bois patate, zabocat marron (Haiti)
Spanish name aguacatillo (Dominican Republic); almorrana, almorrana amarilla, llorón (Cuba); palo de cuello (Cuba, Dominican Republic); palo de gallina (Dominican Republic); palo iloron, palo llorón (Puerto Rico); raizú (Cuba)
Other name bwa patat (creole, Haiti); koetsjaara, plaaha sjikietoe (Netherlands Antilles); zaboka mawon (creole, Haiti)
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