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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Aralia L. Araliaceae Acanthophora Merr. non Lamour. Aureliana Laffitte ex Catesby Blakwellia Scop. Coemansia Marchal non Tiegh. & Monnier Coudenbergia Marchal Cwangayana Rauschert Dimorphanthus Miq. Gynapteina Spach Megalopanax Ekman ex Harms Motherwellia F.Muell. Nalagu Adans. Neoacanthophora Bennet Parapentapanax Hutch. Pentapanax Seem. aralia; spikenard aralie; angélique sarsaparilla aralia (italian); Aralie (german)

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Latin name Aralia L.
Family Araliaceae
North America distribution zone
Synonym Acanthophora Merr. non Lamour. Aureliana Laffitte ex Catesby Blakwellia Scop. Coemansia Marchal non Tiegh. & Monnier Coudenbergia Marchal Cwangayana Rauschert Dimorphanthus Miq. Gynapteina Spach Megalopanax Ekman ex Harms Motherwellia F.Muell. Nalagu Adans. Neoacanthophora Bennet Parapentapanax Hutch. Pentapanax Seem.
English name aralia; spikenard
French name aralie; angélique
Spanish name sarsaparilla
Other name aralia (italian); Aralie (german)
Trade name
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