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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Arctostaphylos glauca Lindl. Ericaceae MW SW North America (USA: California; Mexico: Baja California) MW SW S E mes xer dr(ob) (decoction of the leaves have been employed for catarrhal affections, diarrhea and gonorhoea, leaves were used for smoking) fd(ob) (vinegar, brandy, cidar and jelly have all been made from the fruits by California Indians) fr (flower nectar for honey) ma(ob) (tannin) Arctostaphylos glauca var. puberula J.T.Howell Uva-ursi glauca Abrams bigberry manzanita; manzanita arctostaphyle glauque

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Latin name Arctostaphylos glauca Lindl.
Family Ericaceae
Distribution MW SW North America (USA: California; Mexico: Baja California)
North America distribution zone MW SW
Height S
Foliage E
Ecology mes xer
Use dr(ob) (decoction of the leaves have been employed for catarrhal affections, diarrhea and gonorhoea, leaves were used for smoking) fd(ob) (vinegar, brandy, cidar and jelly have all been made from the fruits by California Indians) fr (flower nectar for honey) ma(ob) (tannin)
Synonym Arctostaphylos glauca var. puberula J.T.Howell Uva-ursi glauca Abrams
English name bigberry manzanita; manzanita
French name arctostaphyle glauque
Spanish name
Other name
Trade name
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