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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth Ericaceae MW MC SW SC North America (USA: California to Utah, Arizona to Texas; Mexico: Baja California, Veracruz, Oaxaca) MW MC SW SC S E xer sili dr (fruits and leaves are astringent and diuretic; they are employed as a remedy for dropsy, bronchitis, venereal disease and other affections and to cure renal problems and treat contusions) fd (fruits, jelly) fr (fruits are favorite food of bear) pl (ornamental wood) Arbutus ferruginea Sessé & Moç. Arbutus mucronata Sessé & Moç. Arbutus myrtifolia Willd. ex Steud. Arbutus rigida Willd. ex Steud. Arctostaphylos chaloneorum Roof Arctostaphylos pseudopungens Roof Arctostaphylos pungens ssp. chaloneorum (Roof) Roof Arctostaphylos pungens var. foliis-oblongoellipticus M.Martens & Galeotti Arctostaphylos pungens var. foliis-ovalibus M.Martens & Galeotti Arctostaphylos pungens var. mexicana Knight Daphnidostaphylis pungens (Kunth) Klotzsch Uva-ursi pungens (Kunth) Abrams pointleaf manzanita; Mexican manzanita, point-leaf manzanita arctostaphyle à feuilles pointues gayuba del país, leño colorado, madroño, mansanilla, mansanita, manzana, manzanilla, manzanillo, manzanita, palo de pingüica, pingua, pinguica, tepezquitl, tepezquite, uji (Mexico) piguicua, pinqüiqua (tarascan, Mexico); tepesquis-uchil (aztec, Mexico); tepesquisuchil (nahuatl, Mexico); tnu-ndido (Mexico); uhi (guarigia, Mexico); uhih (wariho, Mexico)

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Latin name Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth
Family Ericaceae
Distribution MW MC SW SC North America (USA: California to Utah, Arizona to Texas; Mexico: Baja California, Veracruz, Oaxaca)
North America distribution zone MW MC SW SC
Height S
Foliage E
Ecology xer sili
Use dr (fruits and leaves are astringent and diuretic; they are employed as a remedy for dropsy, bronchitis, venereal disease and other affections and to cure renal problems and treat contusions) fd (fruits, jelly) fr (fruits are favorite food of bear) pl (ornamental wood)
Synonym Arbutus ferruginea Sessé & Moç. Arbutus mucronata Sessé & Moç. Arbutus myrtifolia Willd. ex Steud. Arbutus rigida Willd. ex Steud. Arctostaphylos chaloneorum Roof Arctostaphylos pseudopungens Roof Arctostaphylos pungens ssp. chaloneorum (Roof) Roof Arctostaphylos pungens var. foliis-oblongoellipticus M.Martens & Galeotti Arctostaphylos pungens var. foliis-ovalibus M.Martens & Galeotti Arctostaphylos pungens var. mexicana Knight Daphnidostaphylis pungens (Kunth) Klotzsch Uva-ursi pungens (Kunth) Abrams
English name pointleaf manzanita; Mexican manzanita, point-leaf manzanita
French name arctostaphyle à feuilles pointues
Spanish name gayuba del país, leño colorado, madroño, mansanilla, mansanita, manzana, manzanilla, manzanillo, manzanita, palo de pingüica, pingua, pinguica, tepezquitl, tepezquite, uji (Mexico)
Other name piguicua, pinqüiqua (tarascan, Mexico); tepesquis-uchil (aztec, Mexico); tepesquisuchil (nahuatl, Mexico); tnu-ndido (Mexico); uhi (guarigia, Mexico); uhih (wariho, Mexico)
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