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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Roystonea oleracea (Jacq.) O.F.Cook var. oleracea Palmae SE North America (Lesser Antilles) NC South America (E Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago) SE L hyg dr fd (alcohol produced from the fermented sap of immature inflorescences, immature inflorescences were consumed as a pickled vegetable, stems used as source of starch, terminal buds) fr ma (leaves used for fiber) pl ti (stems used for construction) Areca oleracea Jacq. Euterpe caribaea Spreng. Oreodoxa caribaea (Spreng.) Dammer Oreodoxa oleracea (Jacq.) Mart. Roystonea caribaea (Spreng.) P.Wilson Roystonea venezuelana L.H.Bailey typical Carib royalpalm palmier-royal franc typique

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Latin name Roystonea oleracea (Jacq.) O.F.Cook var. oleracea
Family Palmae
Distribution SE North America (Lesser Antilles) NC South America (E Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago)
North America distribution zone SE
Height L
Ecology hyg
Use dr fd (alcohol produced from the fermented sap of immature inflorescences, immature inflorescences were consumed as a pickled vegetable, stems used as source of starch, terminal buds) fr ma (leaves used for fiber) pl ti (stems used for construction)
Synonym Areca oleracea Jacq. Euterpe caribaea Spreng. Oreodoxa caribaea (Spreng.) Dammer Oreodoxa oleracea (Jacq.) Mart. Roystonea caribaea (Spreng.) P.Wilson Roystonea venezuelana L.H.Bailey
English name
French name typical Carib royalpalm
Spanish name palmier-royal franc typique
Other name
Trade name
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