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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Attalea cohune Mart. Palmae SC SE North America (S Mexico to Nicaragua) NW South America (Colombia) SC SE M dr fd (leaves, nuts: cooking oil) fw (shells: charcoal ) ma (oil) ti (construction) Orbignya cohune (Mart.) Dahlgren ex Standl. cohune attalea; cocando boy (Belize); cohune, cohune nut, cohune palm, manaca shack attalea cohune biscoyol, cohune (Belize); corós; corozo (Belize, Guatemala); coyol de leche (Nicaragua); desemoa (Nicaragua); manaca (Guatemala) chunciey, tutz (maya, Belize)

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Latin name Attalea cohune Mart.
Family Palmae
Distribution SC SE North America (S Mexico to Nicaragua) NW South America (Colombia)
North America distribution zone SC SE
Height M
Use dr fd (leaves, nuts: cooking oil) fw (shells: charcoal ) ma (oil) ti (construction)
Synonym Orbignya cohune (Mart.) Dahlgren ex Standl.
English name cohune attalea; cocando boy (Belize); cohune, cohune nut, cohune palm, manaca shack
French name attalea cohune
Spanish name biscoyol, cohune (Belize); corós; corozo (Belize, Guatemala); coyol de leche (Nicaragua); desemoa (Nicaragua); manaca (Guatemala)
Other name chunciey, tutz (maya, Belize)
Trade name
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