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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Avicennia tonduzii Moldenke Verbenaceae SE North America (Costa Rica, Panama) W South America (tropics) SE L hyg fw (charcoal) ma (bark is used for tannin) ti (poles, railroad ties, posts, fence posts, furniture) Tonduz avicennia avicennia de Tonduz mangle salado, mangle salsa, palo de sal (Costa Rica)

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Latin name Avicennia tonduzii Moldenke
Family Verbenaceae
Distribution SE North America (Costa Rica, Panama) W South America (tropics)
North America distribution zone SE
Height L
Ecology hyg
Use fw (charcoal) ma (bark is used for tannin) ti (poles, railroad ties, posts, fence posts, furniture)
English name Tonduz avicennia
French name avicennia de Tonduz
Spanish name mangle salado, mangle salsa, palo de sal (Costa Rica)
Other name
Trade name
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