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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Vitex cymosa Bertero ex Spreng. Verbenaceae SE North America (Panama) South America (general) SE L D hel hyg->xer fd (fruits) fr fw ma pl sa ti (construction, framing, posts) Jatropha tomentosa Spreng. Vitex cujabensis Mart. ex Benth. Vitex discolor Glaz. cymose chastetree gattilier à cymes aceituno (Colombia); azietuno, cañaguate; cuajado (Panama); jaramantaia; nocuito (Colombia); rajatebien; tamurá cluro (Argentina); tarumá (Bolivia); tarumá de varzea (Colombia); tarumá do alagado, tarumá do igapó

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Latin name Vitex cymosa Bertero ex Spreng.
Family Verbenaceae
Distribution SE North America (Panama) South America (general)
North America distribution zone SE
Height L
Foliage D
Ecology hel hyg->xer
Use fd (fruits) fr fw ma pl sa ti (construction, framing, posts)
Synonym Jatropha tomentosa Spreng. Vitex cujabensis Mart. ex Benth. Vitex discolor Glaz.
English name cymose chastetree
French name gattilier à cymes
Spanish name aceituno (Colombia); azietuno, cañaguate; cuajado (Panama); jaramantaia; nocuito (Colombia); rajatebien; tamurá cluro (Argentina); tarumá (Bolivia); tarumá de varzea (Colombia); tarumá do alagado, tarumá do igapó
Other name
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