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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Warszewiczia coccinea (Vahl) Klotzsch Rubiaceae SE North America (Central America) South America (general) int Africa SE L E hel hyg->mes dr pl (ornamental tree) Calycophyllum coccineum (Vahl) DC. Macrocnemum coccineum Vahl Mussaenda coccinea (Vahl) Poir. Warszewiczia maynensis Wedd. Warszewiczia poeppigiana Klotzsch Warszewiczia pulcherrima Klotzsch Warszewiczia schomburgkiana Klotzsch Warszewiczia splendens Wedd. orangegold chaconia; wakamy, wild poinsettia (Trinidad and Tobago) chaconie orangée bandera; barbas de gallo (Colombia); crucero (Panama); curcero; guna (Panama); pastora de montaña (Costa Rica); puca sisa, quinilla (Peru); sangrenaria

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Latin name Warszewiczia coccinea (Vahl) Klotzsch
Family Rubiaceae
Distribution SE North America (Central America) South America (general) int Africa
North America distribution zone SE
Height L
Foliage E
Ecology hel hyg->mes
Use dr pl (ornamental tree)
Synonym Calycophyllum coccineum (Vahl) DC. Macrocnemum coccineum Vahl Mussaenda coccinea (Vahl) Poir. Warszewiczia maynensis Wedd. Warszewiczia poeppigiana Klotzsch Warszewiczia pulcherrima Klotzsch Warszewiczia schomburgkiana Klotzsch Warszewiczia splendens Wedd.
English name orangegold chaconia; wakamy, wild poinsettia (Trinidad and Tobago)
French name chaconie orangée
Spanish name bandera; barbas de gallo (Colombia); crucero (Panama); curcero; guna (Panama); pastora de montaña (Costa Rica); puca sisa, quinilla (Peru); sangrenaria
Other name
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