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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Wercklea tulipiflora (Hook.f.) Fryxell Malvaceae SE North America (Dominica, St. Lucia) SE M E hel hyg Abelmoschus tulipaeflorus (Hook.f.) Walp. Hibiscus tulipaeflorus Hook.f. Hibiscus tulipiflorus Hook.f. tulipflower teaselmallow; wild okra (Dominica) wercklea à fleurs de tulipe; gombo grand bois (Guadeloupe); gombo montagne (Dominica); gombo-grand bois

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Latin name Wercklea tulipiflora (Hook.f.) Fryxell
Family Malvaceae
Distribution SE North America (Dominica, St. Lucia)
North America distribution zone SE
Height M
Foliage E
Ecology hel hyg
Synonym Abelmoschus tulipaeflorus (Hook.f.) Walp. Hibiscus tulipaeflorus Hook.f. Hibiscus tulipiflorus Hook.f.
English name tulipflower teaselmallow; wild okra (Dominica)
French name wercklea à fleurs de tulipe; gombo grand bois (Guadeloupe); gombo montagne (Dominica); gombo-grand bois
Spanish name
Other name
Trade name
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