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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Yucca brevifolia Engelm. Agavaceae MW North America (USA: California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona) MW M E xer ma (fibre can be used as newsprint) Cleistoyucca arborescens (Torr.) Eastw. Yucca arborescens (Torr.) Coville Yucca arborescens (Torr.) Trel. Yucca draconis var. arborescens Torr. Joshuatree yucca; Joshua tree, Joshua yucca, Joshua-tree, Joshua-tree yucca, praying tree, the Joshua, tree yucca, yucca cactus, yucca-palm yucca à feuilles courtes; arbre de Josué, yucca Josuabaum (german); yucca (italian)

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Latin name Yucca brevifolia Engelm.
Family Agavaceae
Distribution MW North America (USA: California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona)
North America distribution zone MW
Height M
Foliage E
Ecology xer
Use ma (fibre can be used as newsprint)
Synonym Cleistoyucca arborescens (Torr.) Eastw. Yucca arborescens (Torr.) Coville Yucca arborescens (Torr.) Trel. Yucca draconis var. arborescens Torr.
English name Joshuatree yucca; Joshua tree, Joshua yucca, Joshua-tree, Joshua-tree yucca, praying tree, the Joshua, tree yucca, yucca cactus, yucca-palm
French name yucca à feuilles courtes; arbre de Josué, yucca
Spanish name
Other name Josuabaum (german); yucca (italian)
Trade name
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