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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Yucca elata Engelm. Agavaceae MW MC SC North America (USA: Nevada to Texas; Mexico: Chihuahua, Coahuila) MW MC SC S E hel xer dr (roots: substitute for soap) fd ma (fibre of roots used as foaming agent for drink, Indian basketry) Yucca angustifolia var. elata Engelm. Yucca angustifolia var. radiosa Engelm. Yucca radiosa (Engelm.) Trel. soaptree yucca; soaptree, soapweed, Spanish-bayonet yucca savonnier amole, palmilla

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Latin name Yucca elata Engelm.
Family Agavaceae
Distribution MW MC SC North America (USA: Nevada to Texas; Mexico: Chihuahua, Coahuila)
North America distribution zone MW MC SC
Height S
Foliage E
Ecology hel xer
Use dr (roots: substitute for soap) fd ma (fibre of roots used as foaming agent for drink, Indian basketry)
Synonym Yucca angustifolia var. elata Engelm. Yucca angustifolia var. radiosa Engelm. Yucca radiosa (Engelm.) Trel.
English name soaptree yucca; soaptree, soapweed, Spanish-bayonet
French name yucca savonnier
Spanish name amole, palmilla
Other name
Trade name
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