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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Betula populifolia Marshall Betulaceae ME North America (Canada, USA) ME S[M] D hel hyg->xer acid->neut dr dr(ob) (Iroquois used it to treat bleading piles, the Micmac to treat infected cuts and as an emetic) fr (seeds and buds are eaten by ruffed grouse, squirell, tamias and all others rodents, leaves and twigs are eaten by whitetail deer) fw pl sa (shade for pine plantation) Betula alba ssp. populifolia (Marshall) Regel Betula alba var. populifolia (Marshall) Spach grey birch; fire birch, gray birch, old field birch, poplar-leaved birch, poverty-birch, small white birch, swamp birch, water birch p.p., white birch, wire birch bouleau gris; bouleau à feuille de peuplier; bouleau à feuilles de peuplier, bouleau rouge (Canada) Graue Birke, Pappelblättrige Birke (german); betulla a fogglie di pioppo, betulla grigio (italian)

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Latin name Betula populifolia Marshall
Family Betulaceae
Distribution ME North America (Canada, USA)
North America distribution zone ME
Height S[M]
Foliage D
Ecology hel hyg->xer acid->neut
Use dr dr(ob) (Iroquois used it to treat bleading piles, the Micmac to treat infected cuts and as an emetic) fr (seeds and buds are eaten by ruffed grouse, squirell, tamias and all others rodents, leaves and twigs are eaten by whitetail deer) fw pl sa (shade for pine plantation)
Synonym Betula alba ssp. populifolia (Marshall) Regel Betula alba var. populifolia (Marshall) Spach
English name grey birch; fire birch, gray birch, old field birch, poplar-leaved birch, poverty-birch, small white birch, swamp birch, water birch p.p., white birch, wire birch
French name bouleau gris; bouleau à feuille de peuplier; bouleau à feuilles de peuplier, bouleau rouge (Canada)
Spanish name
Other name Graue Birke, Pappelblättrige Birke (german); betulla a fogglie di pioppo, betulla grigio (italian)
Trade name
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