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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Bourreria rotata (DC.) I.M.Johnst. Boraginaceae SE North America (end Cuba) SE S Bourreria calophylla Griseb. Bourreria reticulata Griseb. Cordia coriacea Miers Cordia rotata Moç. ex DC. Ehretia calophylla A.Rich. Lithocardium rotatum (Moç. ex DC.) Kuntze wheelshaped strongbark bourreria rond ateje de sabana, jagua-jaqüita, roble agalla (Cuba)

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Latin name Bourreria rotata (DC.) I.M.Johnst.
Family Boraginaceae
Distribution SE North America (end Cuba)
North America distribution zone SE
Height S
Synonym Bourreria calophylla Griseb. Bourreria reticulata Griseb. Cordia coriacea Miers Cordia rotata Moç. ex DC. Ehretia calophylla A.Rich. Lithocardium rotatum (Moç. ex DC.) Kuntze
English name wheelshaped strongbark
French name bourreria rond
Spanish name ateje de sabana, jagua-jaqüita, roble agalla (Cuba)
Other name
Trade name
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