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Latin name Family Distribution North America distribution zone Height Foliage Ecology Use Synonym English name French name Spanish name Other name Trade name
Brahea armata S.Watson Palmae [MC] SW [SC] North America (end USA and Mexico: west side of divide from vicinity of Cataviñá to San Ignacio, islands in Gulf of California, Baja California, canyons and desert of Sierra Juárez) int MW Eurasia (Georgia) [MC] SW [SC] M E hel [sci] xer fd(ob) (the Cócopah Indians roasted and ate the seeds) pl (ornamental) Brahea glauca Hook.f. Erythea armata S.Watson Glaucothea armata O.F.Cook blue braheapalm; big blue hesper palm (USA); blue palm brahea bleu; palmier à feuilles de zinc, palmier bleu palma blanca (Mexico)

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Latin name Brahea armata S.Watson
Family Palmae
Distribution [MC] SW [SC] North America (end USA and Mexico: west side of divide from vicinity of Cataviñá to San Ignacio, islands in Gulf of California, Baja California, canyons and desert of Sierra Juárez) int MW Eurasia (Georgia)
North America distribution zone [MC] SW [SC]
Height M
Foliage E
Ecology hel [sci] xer
Use fd(ob) (the Cócopah Indians roasted and ate the seeds) pl (ornamental)
Synonym Brahea glauca Hook.f. Erythea armata S.Watson Glaucothea armata O.F.Cook
English name blue braheapalm; big blue hesper palm (USA); blue palm
French name brahea bleu; palmier à feuilles de zinc, palmier bleu
Spanish name palma blanca (Mexico)
Other name
Trade name
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