Castanea dentata (Marshall) Borkh.
MC ME SE North America (Canada: S Ontario; USA: Wisconsin to Maine, Louisiana to Florida)
hel->sci mes->xer
dr (amygdale pain when gargled, syrup to treat whooping cough, heart trouble and bark powder for chafed skin, boiled leaves for burns and feet sweat) ex (after 1930, most populations were nearly destroyed by the chestnut blight and virtually all known populations remained infected with the blight) fd(ob) ma (bark for tannin) ti (decorative veneer, furniture, picture framing, poles, posts, ties) ti(ob)
Fagus dentata Marshall
Fagus-Castanea dentata Marshall
American chesnut; American sweet chesnut, sweet chesnut; chesnut (Canada)
châtaignier d'Amérique; châtaignier américain, châtaignier denté; châtaignier (Canada)
Amerikanische Kastanie (german); o-hey-yah-tah (indian); castagno americano (italian)