Amérique du Nord

Nom latin Famille Répartition Zone de répartition en Amérique du Nord Hauteur Feuillage Écologie Utilisation Synonyme Nom anglais Nom français Nom espagnol Autre nom Nom commercial
Quercus alba L. Fagaceae MC ME North America (Canada: S Ontario, S Quebec; USA: Minnesota to Maine, Nebraska to Texas to Florida) MC ME D hel? [hyg] mes [xer] cl (emblem tree of Connecticut, Illinois and Maryland States of USA; the Connecticut Colony's citizens received a Charter from Charles II hidden by the leader Joseph Wadsworth in a secure place inside a huge ancient oak tree named in memory of this the charter oak) dr(ob) (bark, medicinally it was used by Native Americans to treat diarrhea, indigestion, chronic dysentery, mouth sores, chapped skin, asthma, milky urine, rheumatism, cough, sore throat, consumption, bleeding piles, muscle aches, as an antiseptic and emetic and wash for chills and fever, to bring up phlegm, as a witchcraft medicine and as a psychological aid) fd (acorn) fr fw ma (dye, tannin) pl ti (cabinet work, laying of floors, musical instruments, plywood, tool handles, cabinet work) ti(ob) (barrels, body of cars and planes, farms instruments, shipbuilding) tx (dermatitis) Quercus alba var. heterophylla Ettingsh. & Krasan Quercus alba var. latiloba Sarg. Quercus alba var. longigemma Trel. Quercus alba var. microcarpa A.DC. Quercus alba var. pinnatifida Michx. Quercus alba var. pubescens (Willd.) Willd. Quercus alba var. repanda (Michx.) Michx. Quercus alba var. ryderi Trel. Quercus alba var. subcaerulea Pickens & M.C.Pickens Quercus alba var. subflavea Pickens & M.C.Pickens Quercus alba f. latiloba (Sarg.) E.J.Palmer & Steyerm. Quercus alba f. pinnatifida (Michx.) Rehder Quercus alba f. sublyrata Trel. Quercus alba f. viridis Trel. Quercus candida Steud. Quercus pubescens Willd. Quercus ramosa Dippel Quercus repanda Michx. white oak; eastern white oak, forked-leaf white oak; northern white oak (USA); Quebec oak, ridge white oak, stave oak, white brash-oak chêne blanc; chêne blanc d'Amérique, chêne de Québec roble claro Amerikanische Weisseiche (german); carvalho branco; maskawâttik (cree, Canada); mishimij (otchipwe, Canada); quercia bianca d'America (italian); Weisse Eiche (german)

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Nom latin Quercus alba L.
Famille Fagaceae
Répartition MC ME North America (Canada: S Ontario, S Quebec; USA: Minnesota to Maine, Nebraska to Texas to Florida)
Zone de répartition en Amérique du Nord MC ME
Hauteur L
Feuillage D
Écologie hel? [hyg] mes [xer]
Utilisation cl (emblem tree of Connecticut, Illinois and Maryland States of USA; the Connecticut Colony's citizens received a Charter from Charles II hidden by the leader Joseph Wadsworth in a secure place inside a huge ancient oak tree named in memory of this the charter oak) dr(ob) (bark, medicinally it was used by Native Americans to treat diarrhea, indigestion, chronic dysentery, mouth sores, chapped skin, asthma, milky urine, rheumatism, cough, sore throat, consumption, bleeding piles, muscle aches, as an antiseptic and emetic and wash for chills and fever, to bring up phlegm, as a witchcraft medicine and as a psychological aid) fd (acorn) fr fw ma (dye, tannin) pl ti (cabinet work, laying of floors, musical instruments, plywood, tool handles, cabinet work) ti(ob) (barrels, body of cars and planes, farms instruments, shipbuilding) tx (dermatitis)
Synonyme Quercus alba var. heterophylla Ettingsh. & Krasan Quercus alba var. latiloba Sarg. Quercus alba var. longigemma Trel. Quercus alba var. microcarpa A.DC. Quercus alba var. pinnatifida Michx. Quercus alba var. pubescens (Willd.) Willd. Quercus alba var. repanda (Michx.) Michx. Quercus alba var. ryderi Trel. Quercus alba var. subcaerulea Pickens & M.C.Pickens Quercus alba var. subflavea Pickens & M.C.Pickens Quercus alba f. latiloba (Sarg.) E.J.Palmer & Steyerm. Quercus alba f. pinnatifida (Michx.) Rehder Quercus alba f. sublyrata Trel. Quercus alba f. viridis Trel. Quercus candida Steud. Quercus pubescens Willd. Quercus ramosa Dippel Quercus repanda Michx.
Nom anglais white oak; eastern white oak, forked-leaf white oak; northern white oak (USA); Quebec oak, ridge white oak, stave oak, white brash-oak
Nom français chêne blanc; chêne blanc d'Amérique, chêne de Québec
Nom espagnol roble claro
Autre nom Amerikanische Weisseiche (german); carvalho branco; maskawâttik (cree, Canada); mishimij (otchipwe, Canada); quercia bianca d'America (italian); Weisse Eiche (german)
Nom commercial
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