Amérique du Nord
Nom latin |
Famille |
Répartition |
Zone de répartition en Amérique du Nord |
Hauteur |
Feuillage |
Écologie |
Utilisation |
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Nom anglais |
Nom français |
Nom espagnol |
Autre nom |
Nom commercial |
Quercus rubra L.
MC ME North America (Canada: S Ontario to Nova Scotia; USA: Minnesota to Maine, Nebraska to Louisiana to Georgia) int MW Eurasia (UK, France to Russian Federation)
hel (when older) [sci] (in underbush when young) mes->xer [calc] sili acid neut
cl (emblem tree of New Jersey State of USA and Prince Edward Island Province of Canada) dr(ob) (Native Americans used it as appetizer, for treatment of asthma, blood disease, chapped skin, chills, cough, disentery, fever, heart trouble, indigestion, lost voice, lung problems, milky urine, sore throats, sores, weakness) fd (acorn) fr (acorn, bark, buds, sowing, young shoots) fw (firewood) ma (leather tannin) pl (afforestation, gardens, landscape, look, ornamental, parks, planting, seed bearer, roads) sa (shade tree) ti (cabinet work, carpentry, chimney-piece, coffin, construction, cooperage, door framing, exterior beams, flooring, interior joinery, log used for slicing, mineprops, plywood, rustic furniture, stairs, toolhandles, trituration, veneer, window framing, cabinet work) ti(ob) (barrel for dry food, paneling, shipbuilding) tx (acorn)
Erythrobalanus rubra (L.) O.Schwarz
Quercus americana J.V.Suringar
Quercus rubra Du Roi
red oak; American red oak, Canadian red oak, common red oak, eastern red oak, gray oak p.p., mountain red oak, northern red oak, Spanish oak
chêne rouge; chêne boréal, chêne d'Espagne, chêne rouge d'Amérique
Amerikanische Roteiche (german); quercia rossa (italian); Roteiche (german)
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