Spondias radlkoferi Donn.Sm.
SC SE North America (S Mexico to Panama) N MW South America (Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru)
dr (antidiarrheal and antigonorrheal tea from roots, bark and buds, eyewash: roots, bark and buds boiled, leaves and bark boiled for bath, skin sores: herbal bath, sore throat gargle: tea from leaves, tonic used during pregnancy) fd ti
Radlkofer mombin; hog plum, wild plum (Belize)
mombin de Radlkofer
cedro (Peru); hobo (Belize); jobo (Costa Rica, Honduras); jobo de montaña (Panama); tauperiba de monte (Peru)
ho-bo, hu-hu (maya, Belize); kánu (shuar, Peru); pook, rump-p'ok (maya, Belize); ushum (Peru)