Amérique du Nord
Nom latin |
Famille |
Répartition |
Zone de répartition en Amérique du Nord |
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Feuillage |
Écologie |
Utilisation |
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Nom anglais |
Nom français |
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Autre nom |
Nom commercial |
Thuja occidentalis L.
MC ME North America (Canada: S Manitoba to Nova Scotia; USA: Minnesota to Maine, Tennessee to North Carolina) int MW Eurasia (Russian Federation)
sci->[hel] hyg->[xer] calc acid->[basi]
cl(ob) dr (anthelminthic oil, decoction of leaves and bark used for vitamine C deficiency, deodorant, insect repelent, wood oil used in perfume industry, essential oil from distillation of twigs and wood) dr(ob) (branches used in Amerindian sweathouse to tonify and purify, Iroquois of Laurentian prepared an infusion rich in vitamin C made with bark and leaves named "annedda" which saved Jacques Cartier and his crew of the scurvy, after this, Cartier named this tree "arbor vitae" which means "tree of life", twigs oil formerly used in medicine, young leaves used for infusion, decoction, ointment and poultice to cure burns, cough, headhaches, toothache and hand and foot swellings) fr (seeds for birds) fw (bark very good to light fire) ma (wood oil used in microscopy) ma(ob) (Canadian ancestors used foliage to make brooms) pl (hedge-row, living fences) pp sa ti (cabinet work, canoes and other boats, carpentery, chest, clothes-press, exterior veneer, fence, outdoor decorative objects, paneling, pegs, poles, posts, shingle-board) ti(ob) (at the beginning of colonization in Canada wood was used to build palisade to protect fortresses, bark canoe framing, barn shingle-board, farm fence, telegraphic poles) tx (oil lethal when ingested in great doses)
Thuja obtusa Moench
Thuja theophrasti C.Bauhin ex Nieuwl.
Thuya occidentalis L.
Thuya odorata Marshall
eastern arborvitae; American arborvitae; arbor vitae, arbor-vitae (Canada); arborvitae; cedar (Canada); eastern cedar; eastern white cedar (Canada); eastern white-cedar, northern thuja; northern white cedar, northern white-arbor-vitae, northern white-cedar (Canada, USA); swamp cedar, swamp-cedar; thuja (Canada); tree of life, white arborvitae; white cedar (Canada); white-cedar (Canada, USA)
thuya occidental; arborvitae, arbre de Paradis, arbre de vie; balai, cèdre, cèdre blanc (Canada); cèdre de l'Est, cèdre du Canada; faux cyprès (France); thuya d'Occident; thuya de l'Est (Canada); thuya de l'Occident, thuya du Canada
arbol de la vida, tuya
Abendländischer Lebensbaum, Amerikanischer Lebensbaum (german); árvore-da-vida, cedro-branco (portuguese); Gemeiner Lebensbaum (german); tuia del Canada, tuia occidentale (italian); tuia-vulgar (portuguese); tuya zapadnaya (russian); tuya amerikanskaya (ukrainian); zywotnik (polish)
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