Amérique du Nord
Nom latin |
Famille |
Répartition |
Zone de répartition en Amérique du Nord |
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Feuillage |
Écologie |
Utilisation |
Synonyme |
Nom anglais |
Nom français |
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Autre nom |
Nom commercial |
Ulmus americana L.
NC MC ME SE North America (Canada: S Saskatchewan to Nova Scotia; USA: Montana to Maine, Texas to Florida) int ME Eurasia (China: Hebei, Jiangsu, Shandong)
sci [hel] hyg->mes acid->basi
cl (emblem tree of Washington State of USA) dr (bark infusion, decoction and cataplasm for cough, cold, sore eyes, dysentery and diarrhea, bath for appendicitis; broken bones, gonorrhea, gynecological aid, pulmonary hemorrhage, wash for gun wounds) ex? fr fw ma pl (ornamental, shade tree) pp sa (shade tree) ti (boxes, cabinet work, coffin, crates, decorative veneer, furniture, paneling, queys, ship building, sports equipment) ti(ob) (canoes, containers, cooperage, crates, ropes, spocke and pipe-box of cart-wheels, tod-handles)
Ulmus alba Raf.
Ulmus americana var. aspera Chapm.
Ulmus americana var. floridana (Chapm.) Little
Ulmus americana f. alba (Aiton) Fernald
Ulmus americana f. ascendens Slavin
Ulmus americana f. columnaris Rehder
Ulmus americana f. intercedens Fernald
Ulmus americana f. laevior Fernald
Ulmus americana f. pendula (Aiton) Fernald
Ulmus americana f. viridis Seymour
Ulmus floridana Chapm.
American elm; elm (Canada); Florida elm; grey elm, orham wood (Canada); soft elm; swamp elm (Canada, USA); water elm (USA); white elm (Canada, USA)
orme d'Amérique; orme (Canada, USA); orme blanc (Canada); orme blanc d'Amérique; orme maigre (Canada, USA)
Amerikanische Weissulme (german); irinikupi (montagnais, Canada); meiguo yu (chinese, China); olmo americano (italian); uchachikupi (montagnais, Canada); Weissulme (german)
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